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Welcome To,Seijin Kai Karate Do Association

Seijin Kai Karate Do is not an Karate club or only Karate Style but is a platform for all karate kaz from any city any country.
Join Us.
SEIJIN Kai Karate Do Association is not name of any Karate style, this is a name of famous association, which is for main object of modern research in the filed of Karate and provide the modern terminology and advance training to the members.
There are two major style of Karate; SHOTOKAN Karate Do & GOJU RYU Karate Do is consisting on two above-mentioned styles, so it is called the SEIJIN Kai Karate Do Association.

Logo,Seijin Kai Karate

Good Purpose:

SEIJIN Kai Karate Do Association is working with great sincere efforts for the betterment of country & nation and working of their all Karate members and tries to protect their basic rights and tried to solve their problems.
It is working and organized National Province and District level Karate championships seminars and training camps so that, Karate Kaz get the good training. We want to built-up active members of association. We proud that we had sincere and highly experienced instructors are cooperate in SEIJIN Kai Karate Do Association, so SEIJIN Kai Karate Do Association is getting achievements is every way.

Meaning of SEIJIN Kai Karate Do:
SEIJIN Kai Karate Do have large meaning in it, SEI mean ( Wise ) JIN mean ( Person ) KAI mean ( Group ) Karate mean ( Empty hand ) Do mean ( The way of life ). In this way we can say that the group of wise people.
All people are fully conversant that those people are Karate Kaz they can face the hardship of life and difficulties.

There fore, the Karate Kaz is very brave person and kind heart, whatever; there are large number of Karate Clubs and Martial Arts Associations and many instructors in our country. But, unfortunately, mostly of such places are covered with political thinking. So, they are develop the politics then they complete there Karate training, they are not become a good Karate Kaz become good politic ion, for this reason Karate have lose popularity day by day and people ignore Karate. So, it is very sad reason that the more talented Karate Kaz is very much disappointed. About it and they are out of Karate till today, which is extremely unpleasant fact, as much as sorrow about it is insufficient
Pakistan Branch:
Above these circumstances, we establish in Pakistan The SEIJIN Kai Karate Do Association, where of, Head Quarter situated in England and his branch office in Pakistan Rahim Yar Khan. Under the supervision of SEIJIN Kai Karate Do Association, International chief instructor Mr. Sensei Harry Cook. In Pakistan chief Mr. Sensei Nab (Nisar Ahmed Babur).

Sensei Nab ( Nisar Ahmed Babur ) Because a Member and Get Facilitates:

Membership certificate/letter.
Membership identity card.
Championships coaching camps rafree/judges.
Courses and training camps.
Belt promotion test & belt certificates.
Introudus the members by Karate.

Sing In, My Guest Book

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